Thursday 10 April 2008


Masturbation is a topic that generally people dont like to talk about. Understandable, but then if most people do it why arent we comfortable enough to talk about it?
Its a natural thing but for some reason half the nation doesnt like to talk about it or people deny masturbating.
What was quite obvious is that guys generally are more open about masturbating...some even go into detail as to how many times a week they do it etc while girls generally kept quite and some didnt even want to discuss it at all, this could have been due to religous reasons though as some religions dont see it as being the right thing to do, so i guess to some people masturbating is 'being bad'.

I dont see how masturbation is a bad thing, the only time i would see it as 'being bad' would be if people were masturbating in a public place, not only would that be disturbing for the people that would see it but for also those that the culprit might be watching as hes masturbating.

Apart from getting some pleasure out of masturbation its also meant too cut cancer risk according to the BBC -

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