Wednesday 7 May 2008


Alcohol, why is it seen as Being Bad? Probably because of the consequences alcohol has on us! Alot of people enjoy a drink every now and again but theres also those that dont just enjoy a drink every now and again but instead....all day everyday. Some peoples behaviour changes because they've had a drink, some become voilent while others silly...while some just fall asleep in the corner of a pub after afew to many!

In the U.K you have to be 18 to drink, a reasonable age i think although drinking under 18 still goes on throughout the nation due to under age selling and because parents feel they know there kids are responsable to be able to drink below 18. Although some young people are responsable enough there are also many consequences to them doing this, young peoples bodies arent fully developed yet and some arent aware of when they should stop drinking and they should settle down with a glass of water and go to bed. Underage sex is also influenced by alcohol which does in alot of cases mean underage pregnancis due to a stupid decision being made when the young person was intoxicated.

Effects alcohol can have on the body are:
- Alcohol will often exaggerate whatever mood you're in when you start drinking.
- Alcohol is a relaxant so, in moderation, it can reduce feelings of anxiety and inhibitions, making you feel more sociable.
- It takes your body an hour to process one unit of alcohol.

There are also many risks when taking alcohol including:
- One drink too many can leave you feeling out of control – like slurring your words, losing your balance and vomiting.
- Official guidelines recommend that men shouldn’t regularly drink more than 3-4 units a day and women shouldn’t regularly drink more than 2-3 units a day because of the harm this may cause. - The guidelines also recommend that after an episode of heavy drinking, it’s advisable to refrain from drinking for 48 hours to allow the tissues to recover.
Psychological and physical dependence on alcohol can creep up on you. Tolerance gradually increases the more you drink excessively on a regular basis, so you may find you'll need more alcohol to reach the same state. In other words, you may seem to be getting better at holding your drink when that’s really a sign of a developing problem.
- Alcohol can make you mouthy, argumentative and aggressive. There’s no way of knowing beforehand if you’re going to turn into a nasty drunk.

You can read more of these facts at

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