Tuesday 1 April 2008


Drugs...are they 'cool', hmmm i think not! Societies views on drugs have changed over a period of time and why not eh? Its up to you if you want to dabble in drugs or not, but that isnt the problem...the problem is that most people are unaware of the side effects drugs can have.

There are plenty of websites out there that explain to young people that drugs are bad, you shouldnt do drugs, drugs screw up your life etc etc so theres not much point in me going over what you have probably heard time and time again. An example of a website like this is
http://www.talktofrank.com Instead im going to take a different approach and look at a celebrity who is currently in the limelight right now whom has a drug problem, you probably know who i mean but incase you've been living under a rock (or your off your face on drugs) its the 'Rehab' singer Amy Winehouse. She might have had a good career so far in her life, but how long will this life last for if she continues to go at the rate she is going with the drug taking.

I think one of the worst reasons for her to be taking drugs is because so m
any people see her as there idol. Not because of the drug taking but because she is an inspiration to both old and young people that you do not have to come from a privileged background to have a good career and to be talented and that if you want something so bad eventually it will come to you if you continue to work hard at it.

With her being in the media lately for her radical behaviour it makes you wonder what her record company are doing to protect her and her fans. With Amy Winehouse being such a major celebrity and with her having alot of fans i feel that the wrong message is being shown to her fans and the media is to blame for that. They are showing that if you take drugs you can be just as rich and famous as Amy Winehouse and appear on newspapers, magazines and television shows. Perhaps what the media should be doing is to ignore the fact that by writing an article on Amy Winehouse they get more people to buy there products and they should ignore Amy Winehouse until she is off the drugs and acting her normal self again.

With her 'Rock n Roll' image and money she has gained from her career its not surprising that young people are still taking drugs...afterall there idol is doing it and 'everyone' else seems to be doing it!

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