Friday 2 May 2008

A Being Bad Short Story

This is my short story titled 'Out Of My Mind On Dope And Speed' as well as my rationale on the short story. I thought id post this on my blog since the short story relates to doing bad things and its something abut different instead of me rambling on about facts and figures...

Short Story
“I think it’s starting to take effect”, I said to my friends as we leave the bathroom at Terry’s house party after injecting ourselves with speed. We carried on drinking and dancing throughout the house and I could notice myself being far more confident around people than ever before, heck if this is how I feel out of my face on speed I want to be permanently injected with the stuff! With the new confident me being out tonight I thought id test my luck with the ladies, “You up for some fun tonight?” I said to a girl sitting on her own “Hell yeah! Are you off your face?” she asked “Yeah, do you want some speed?” I replied. She took my hand and dragged me upstairs into one of the bedrooms and in a drunken state said “Come on then, give me it, I want to be out of my mind!”. I injected speed into her arm and we continued drinking and messing around in the bedroom. She kept shouting “Its so hot in here”, but with us both dancing and being silly I didn’t think anything of it. All of a sudden she fell down I went over and said “Stop being daft, get up”, she didn’t. She started shaking and her eyes had rolled back, I sat there on the floor shaking her trying to get her to wake up, I was out of my face and wasn’t too sure what I was doing! I kept shouting “Wake up! Wake up”, but she just lay there looking pale and shaking uncontrollably. What do I do I thought, I don’t even know this girls name and she might be on her way to being dead, if I call for help she’ll need an ambulance and I’ll get busted for possession and for giving it to her, shall I leave her here and hope someone else comes across her? Suddenly I hear the door open, its Terry “Oh my god, what have you done??”

I decided to focus my short story on teenagers taking drugs at a house party to demonstrate the effects of taking drugs such as speed and to show the consequences drug taking irresponsibly can have. I ensured the story was mainly set around one character to allow the audience reading a better insight into how this one character is feeling throughout the story. I wanted my piece to be depressing and to put the reader in an emotional and deep thinking mood so they could really be aware that this could happen to them if they are stupid enough to take drugs in this/any manner. To get this emotional mood across I included as little as possible about the girl who has taken drugs, you know nothing about her, not even her name yet the character might have just killed her due to a silly mistake. I want the reader to walk away after reading the short piece and to think to themselves, I never ever want to be in that position of not knowing what im doing to myself and other people just because I’ve taken drugs to make myself feel better about myself. By including that it has made the character more confident im showing why the character in the story has taken drugs in the first place and why he feels ‘it’s the right thing to do’. I think my piece has been highly successful in outlining the affects that drugs can have, especially on young people who are within the most common age group to try drugs as well as it pointing out that you could be taking someones life because your high on drugs and unaware of what your doing, would you want that to be on your conscience for the rest of your life? I doubt many would.

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