Thursday 1 May 2008


Infedility is a problem that occurs in day to day life. Though the term Infedility cant be defined as being one specific thing the majority of people believe it is when you cheat on a loved one such as your partner. Personally i feel infedility is probably one of the worst things you can do to a loved one, and im not the only person with this opinion. Throughout the media week after week we hear stories of celebrities who have commited infedility one way or another.

Throughout the world everyday it seems that infedility is being commited, but what are the possible reasons for this? And if anything why do people cheat on there partners in the first place? I feel that if your not happy with the person your with you should end it before you go and do something that is going to affect alot more people in the long run. Facts and figures have shown that most of the time infedility occurs due to the following reasons:

- It occurs in the workplace due to people having to stay late to finish work and therefore notm seeing there loved ones as much which makes them vulnerable.
- Partners commit infedility due to feeling trapped within their relationship and not being able to find a way out therefore they feel cheating is the only possible solution.
- There partners may be going through a rough stage and therefore are not able to have sex or are very emotionally attatched to something that is happening in there lifes such as a death of a loved one which means they neglect there partner who then becomes lonely and has an affair.

Due to infedility affecting us so much there are now over 100 websites on the internet dedicated to getting you back on your feet if a loved one has cheated on you, an example of this is at
aswell as this videos are now available online trying to help us with this difficult situation, an example of this can be viewed at

What is about infidelity that people find so exciting? Is it the excitement of being caught? The rush you get when you sleep with someone while your partner waits for you to get home after work? Or is it simply because you like to live on the wild side and 'be bad' every once in a while? None of this should be reasons why you should commit infidelity, stop upsetting people by being stupid and having an affair because at the end of the day its you thats going to get hurt in the long run.

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