Thursday 8 May 2008

Posted Comments

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Final Blog

Age? 19

Sex? Male

What is your degree subject (both if joint)? Film Studies

Does ‘Being Bad’ relate well to the other modules you are taking? Yes

If so, how? And if not, why not? As we looked at bad films, and with myself taking film studies it fitted in pretty well.

Have you found ‘Being Bad’ too demanding, too easy, or at an appropriate level? Just about right really.

Do you think the list of topics covered on the module was appropriate? Yes, they were all things that could be seen as 'being bad'.

Are there any topics not included in the module that you would like to see included? Since masturbation was covered...what about sex, since some people do consider sex to be bad.

Do you think that the format for classes has worked well? Yes...wasnt the same thing every week!

What did you think of the module team? Good, was nice to have different lecturers.

Do you think it would have been better to have had more:
Small group discussions? Yes....sometimes the lectures were abit too big!
Discussion and debate among the class as a whole? Yes, although sometimes you couldnt hear people.
Information and talk from lecturers? No

The approach taken in the module is interdisciplinary (drawing on perspectives from English Literature, Film Studies, Creative Writing, Philosophy, Religious Studies, Media Studies and Politics): do you think this a useful way of approaching the topics covered in the module? Yes

Do you think that interdisciplinary modules are a good idea? Yes

Do you think you have benefited from the interdisciplinary approach taken in the module? Yes

Would you like to see more modules that cover this kind of subject matter? Yes

Are you planning to take the follow-up module PH2004 ‘It Shouldn’t Be Allowed’ at level 2? Yes

Would you recommend ‘Being Bad’ to a friend? Yes, if they were interested in learning about the topics that are discussed.

Do you think that the blogs (web logs) were a good idea? Yes, was good to do something abit different from essays.

What did you think of the other assessments (e.g. would it be better to have one longer assessment rather than two shorter ones?)? Would sooner have done one longer one...

What have you learned from the module? Lots, i've learnt stuff i wouldnt normally learn about and have thought in more depth about things i normally wouldnt.

What parts of the module have you found most useful and why? Masturbation, was interesting to see hoe certain people reacted having to discuss and listen about this sort of thing.

What parts do you think were a waste of time and why? Smoking & Drugs....we all know too much about them as it is...

Are there any other comments you wish to make regarding ‘Being Bad’? Good module, learnt some interesting stuff!

Wednesday 7 May 2008


Alcohol, why is it seen as Being Bad? Probably because of the consequences alcohol has on us! Alot of people enjoy a drink every now and again but theres also those that dont just enjoy a drink every now and again but instead....all day everyday. Some peoples behaviour changes because they've had a drink, some become voilent while others silly...while some just fall asleep in the corner of a pub after afew to many!

In the U.K you have to be 18 to drink, a reasonable age i think although drinking under 18 still goes on throughout the nation due to under age selling and because parents feel they know there kids are responsable to be able to drink below 18. Although some young people are responsable enough there are also many consequences to them doing this, young peoples bodies arent fully developed yet and some arent aware of when they should stop drinking and they should settle down with a glass of water and go to bed. Underage sex is also influenced by alcohol which does in alot of cases mean underage pregnancis due to a stupid decision being made when the young person was intoxicated.

Effects alcohol can have on the body are:
- Alcohol will often exaggerate whatever mood you're in when you start drinking.
- Alcohol is a relaxant so, in moderation, it can reduce feelings of anxiety and inhibitions, making you feel more sociable.
- It takes your body an hour to process one unit of alcohol.

There are also many risks when taking alcohol including:
- One drink too many can leave you feeling out of control – like slurring your words, losing your balance and vomiting.
- Official guidelines recommend that men shouldn’t regularly drink more than 3-4 units a day and women shouldn’t regularly drink more than 2-3 units a day because of the harm this may cause. - The guidelines also recommend that after an episode of heavy drinking, it’s advisable to refrain from drinking for 48 hours to allow the tissues to recover.
Psychological and physical dependence on alcohol can creep up on you. Tolerance gradually increases the more you drink excessively on a regular basis, so you may find you'll need more alcohol to reach the same state. In other words, you may seem to be getting better at holding your drink when that’s really a sign of a developing problem.
- Alcohol can make you mouthy, argumentative and aggressive. There’s no way of knowing beforehand if you’re going to turn into a nasty drunk.

You can read more of these facts at

Tuesday 6 May 2008


Lying is something that everyone does in there lifes, some more than others. Although in my life i have told many lies, mainly at childhood it is still something i probably do more than once a week. Although the types of lies i tell arent major, just little white lies which the majority of the nation does, though some people are not able to stop themselves from lying as the article below suggests:

"There are a number of reasons that people lie. The first is fear. This is the most common reason that people may lie, and they are taking shelter from a perceived punishment. It may be because they know they have done something wrong a single time, in which case it is not compulsive lying. But if they are always in fear of being punished, it may become a habit, which is a second reason for lying. In this case, it may become compulsive lying, which is lying by reflex. Even when confronted by the truth, they insist the lie is the truth in this case. A third case is learning to lie through modeling. When a people see others lie, especially when they get away with it, they may become more prone to lying. Finally, people lie because they feel if they tell the truth they won't get what they want. Thus, out of the main reasons for lying, only lying by habit can truly be called "compulsive lying."

You can read more on this article and more about why people lie at

Sometimes lying is something that has to be done. If your in a changing room and someone asks if something looks good on them, even if you think its horrible you can see from the look on there face that it is something they really like but they want your opinion on it, why tell the truth and stop them from buying something they really want when you can tell a little lie and everyone is happy and your friend feels good in there new clothes.

Its lies that come from people such as murderers, rapists etc that shouldnt be allowed, by lying they are stopping loved ones from being able to find out where there missing person is or why/how there daughter got killed.

I dont personally think lying is a major problem in the world, lying every once and a while doesnt hurt anyone...its lying when your hurting people that is the problem.

Monday 5 May 2008


Shoplifting is something i am not proud to say i have done. Although i havent nicked anything since around the age of 12/13 its still something i look back on now thinking WHAT THE HELL WAS I DOING?! A pretty immature thing really. Being at the age of 12/13 you arent really aware of the consequences something like stealing might have...ok it was only the odd thing like sweets, food etc but still whatever your stealing is coming out of someone elses pocket at the end of the day. Luckily for me i never got caught, maybe i should have done to teach me a lesson? But with age i soon learnt the lesson that what i did was wrong and since then i havent stolen anything again.

Although there are some people that still find it necessary to steal...and still continue to steal throughout there lifes, some people even find that they are addicted to shoplifting. A study shows that out of a certain amount of people
questioned, 2% said they had shoplifted by accident and had returned the goods, 6% said they had taken something by accident but had not returned it, and 1% admitted to deliberate shoplifting, equating to about 700,000 people a year. Each took an average of £105 of goods, according to the survey commissioned by Group 4 Securicor. Supermarkets are regarded as the easiest place for shoplifting by 21% of people, followed by garden and DIY centres. But what do they take? Top of the list are razor blades, according to the research. Followed by cosmetics, alcohol, toiletries, lingerie, CDs and DVDs.

And just for entertainment purposes check out this lady stealing a VCR by putting it up her dress:

You can see more statistics on stealing by visiting

Sunday 4 May 2008


Religion is something that affects us in everyday life. It surrounds us everyday, everyone around us either has a religion or they believe to be non religous.
Although religion has become something that has divided the world for centuries, wars, arguments and conflicts between people have been started because of the religion that they believe in. But if you are part of a religion whom has a god then what i dont understand is is that what would there god think of them for starting a war just because they dont support or belong to a certain religion?

My opinion is that its up to an individual to decide if they want to be part of a certain religion, nobody should be forced into being part of something they dont believe in. I am not a religous person but i do not have a problem with anyone that is part of a religion such as sikh, hindu or christian...its just my belief that i dont want to be part of any of them.

Many people do see religion as being something different, some definitions attempt to find a balance somewhere between overly sharp definition and meaningless generalities. Some sources have tried to use formalistic, doctrinal definitions while others have emphasized experiential, emotive, intuitive, valuational and ethical factors. Definitions mostly include:
- a notion of the transcendent or numinous, often, but not always, in the form of theism
- a cultural or behavioural aspect of ritual, liturgy and organized worship, often involving a priesthood, and societal norms of morality (ethos) and virtue (arete)
- a set of myths or sacred truths held in reverence or believed by adherents
You can read more of the definitions of religion at

Saturday 3 May 2008


Personally i dont understand why tattoos are seen as something that is 'bad'. How is having a tattoo behaving badly? During the module alot of people were puzzled as to why its considered as 'being bad', though there were a fair few who felt tattoos were wrong and some even suggested that they should be banned!!

Tattoos have been around for many years..."Tattooing has been a Eurasiann practice at least since Neolithicc times. Ötzi the Icemann, dating from the fourth to fifth millennium BCE, was found in the Ötz valley in the Alps and had approximately 57 carbon tattoos consisting of simple dots and lines on his lower spine, behind his left knee, and on his right ankle. Other mummiess bearing tattoos and dating from the end of the second millennium BCE have been discovered at Pazyryk on the Ukok Plateauu. Tattooing in Japan is thought to go back to the Paleolithic era, some ten thousand years ago. Various other cultures have had their own tattoo traditions, ranging from rubbing cuts and other wounds with ashes, to hand-pricking the skin to insert dyes."
You can read more on that article by going to

Why ban something that doesnt affect anyone apart from the person that has the tattoo inked over them? Unless it is something offensive they have as a tattoo i feel it should be up to the individual to decide if they want one or not. Religous people felt that by having a tattoo they are going against the body that God felt they should have and that they are destroying Gods work by destroying there own bodies, fair enough everyone has there own opinions on stuff but at the end of the day if you want a tattoo get one...if you dont, dont get one. But to sit there and moan about people having them is unfair.

Although sometimes i dont think people make the right decisions when it comes to getting a tattoo, often people have there partners name inked onto them and then seperate with there partner, this obviously causes a problem and upsets many people when they have to look at this name on themselves everyday. But at the end of the day its up to you if you want to have something that is going to be on your body forever.

Friday 2 May 2008

A Being Bad Short Story

This is my short story titled 'Out Of My Mind On Dope And Speed' as well as my rationale on the short story. I thought id post this on my blog since the short story relates to doing bad things and its something abut different instead of me rambling on about facts and figures...

Short Story
“I think it’s starting to take effect”, I said to my friends as we leave the bathroom at Terry’s house party after injecting ourselves with speed. We carried on drinking and dancing throughout the house and I could notice myself being far more confident around people than ever before, heck if this is how I feel out of my face on speed I want to be permanently injected with the stuff! With the new confident me being out tonight I thought id test my luck with the ladies, “You up for some fun tonight?” I said to a girl sitting on her own “Hell yeah! Are you off your face?” she asked “Yeah, do you want some speed?” I replied. She took my hand and dragged me upstairs into one of the bedrooms and in a drunken state said “Come on then, give me it, I want to be out of my mind!”. I injected speed into her arm and we continued drinking and messing around in the bedroom. She kept shouting “Its so hot in here”, but with us both dancing and being silly I didn’t think anything of it. All of a sudden she fell down I went over and said “Stop being daft, get up”, she didn’t. She started shaking and her eyes had rolled back, I sat there on the floor shaking her trying to get her to wake up, I was out of my face and wasn’t too sure what I was doing! I kept shouting “Wake up! Wake up”, but she just lay there looking pale and shaking uncontrollably. What do I do I thought, I don’t even know this girls name and she might be on her way to being dead, if I call for help she’ll need an ambulance and I’ll get busted for possession and for giving it to her, shall I leave her here and hope someone else comes across her? Suddenly I hear the door open, its Terry “Oh my god, what have you done??”

I decided to focus my short story on teenagers taking drugs at a house party to demonstrate the effects of taking drugs such as speed and to show the consequences drug taking irresponsibly can have. I ensured the story was mainly set around one character to allow the audience reading a better insight into how this one character is feeling throughout the story. I wanted my piece to be depressing and to put the reader in an emotional and deep thinking mood so they could really be aware that this could happen to them if they are stupid enough to take drugs in this/any manner. To get this emotional mood across I included as little as possible about the girl who has taken drugs, you know nothing about her, not even her name yet the character might have just killed her due to a silly mistake. I want the reader to walk away after reading the short piece and to think to themselves, I never ever want to be in that position of not knowing what im doing to myself and other people just because I’ve taken drugs to make myself feel better about myself. By including that it has made the character more confident im showing why the character in the story has taken drugs in the first place and why he feels ‘it’s the right thing to do’. I think my piece has been highly successful in outlining the affects that drugs can have, especially on young people who are within the most common age group to try drugs as well as it pointing out that you could be taking someones life because your high on drugs and unaware of what your doing, would you want that to be on your conscience for the rest of your life? I doubt many would.

Thursday 1 May 2008


Infedility is a problem that occurs in day to day life. Though the term Infedility cant be defined as being one specific thing the majority of people believe it is when you cheat on a loved one such as your partner. Personally i feel infedility is probably one of the worst things you can do to a loved one, and im not the only person with this opinion. Throughout the media week after week we hear stories of celebrities who have commited infedility one way or another.

Throughout the world everyday it seems that infedility is being commited, but what are the possible reasons for this? And if anything why do people cheat on there partners in the first place? I feel that if your not happy with the person your with you should end it before you go and do something that is going to affect alot more people in the long run. Facts and figures have shown that most of the time infedility occurs due to the following reasons:

- It occurs in the workplace due to people having to stay late to finish work and therefore notm seeing there loved ones as much which makes them vulnerable.
- Partners commit infedility due to feeling trapped within their relationship and not being able to find a way out therefore they feel cheating is the only possible solution.
- There partners may be going through a rough stage and therefore are not able to have sex or are very emotionally attatched to something that is happening in there lifes such as a death of a loved one which means they neglect there partner who then becomes lonely and has an affair.

Due to infedility affecting us so much there are now over 100 websites on the internet dedicated to getting you back on your feet if a loved one has cheated on you, an example of this is at
aswell as this videos are now available online trying to help us with this difficult situation, an example of this can be viewed at

What is about infidelity that people find so exciting? Is it the excitement of being caught? The rush you get when you sleep with someone while your partner waits for you to get home after work? Or is it simply because you like to live on the wild side and 'be bad' every once in a while? None of this should be reasons why you should commit infidelity, stop upsetting people by being stupid and having an affair because at the end of the day its you thats going to get hurt in the long run.

Wednesday 30 April 2008


Smoking Kills! A phrase that is being used time and time again throughout the world. But does anyone actually listen to these 2 wise words? The majority dont.

Although views on smoking have changed it is still something that goes on throughout the nation everyday and although there has been a decline in the amount of 'smokers' there is still a very large amount of young and old people whom still pay hundreds even thousands of pounds every year on this disgusting habit.

Although the media can be blamed for young people smoking i feel it is down to the government to stamp smoking out once and for all! If they are serious about stopping young people from picking up the habit then why do they still allow young people to buy tobacco? Surely there is a better way to stop young people from picking up the habit without having to spend too much of the governments 'precious and limited' budget? Perhaps if children were educated at a young age throughout primary, junior and high school they would have a better understanding as to what the consequences of smoking are so that when they get to the age of 16 and are making a decision as to wether they would like to try smoking or not they are fully aware of what they would be doing to themselves.

Although the government do seem to be doing 'what they can' by creating advertisements which are seen day in and day out by the nation are they really effective enough to stop people from doing something they are addicted to? An example of one of these advertisements is posted below:

If that advertisement isnt enough to get you to stop then maybe these facts and figures might do the trick:
  • Lung cancer is the second most common cancer in the UK.
  • Just over 38,300 people were diagnosed with lung cancer in the UK in 2004.
  • Smoking is the single greatest avoidable risk factor for cancer. It causes more than a quarter of all deaths from cancer in the UK.
  • Worldwide, smoking has caused an estimated 100 million deaths in the last century.
You can view more of these facts and figures at:

Friday 25 April 2008

Response to comment

Blogger venessa said...

Sounds very interesting.I agree it would be a bad place to visit plus full of bad people.But I dont think that the criminals would appriciate a load of students studying them to


Well obviously we wouldnt exactly be studying them up close...else you never know what might happen but i still think itd be a good place to see what happens when you do 'bad things'...might make people stop and think before they do anything that might be deemed as being bad.

Sunday 20 April 2008


Ewwwwww! ^^^^
When it comes to the photo above i can honestly say that piercings are bad...why would anyone want to look like that?!
But when it comes to normal piercings i dont see the problem i just think older generations have a problem with them as they relate people that have piercings to people that are 'thugs' or people that cause trouble...with society now being abit more allowing of piercings they are becoming more and more popular.

Although there are some side effects to having piercings done, the most common one is regret. A permanent hole as a reminder of something we've changed our minds about. Think what you were wearing 5 years ago. Would you be seen dead in that now? Nuff said.
Infected piercings can go nasty. I've seen people with abscesses, blood infections and even needing skin grafts after having infected piercings. Genital piercings can make weeing or having sex difficult and painful. If the needle used is dirty, you're at risk from Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C and HIV. You can view more information on piercings at

Thursday 10 April 2008


Masturbation is a topic that generally people dont like to talk about. Understandable, but then if most people do it why arent we comfortable enough to talk about it?
Its a natural thing but for some reason half the nation doesnt like to talk about it or people deny masturbating.
What was quite obvious is that guys generally are more open about masturbating...some even go into detail as to how many times a week they do it etc while girls generally kept quite and some didnt even want to discuss it at all, this could have been due to religous reasons though as some religions dont see it as being the right thing to do, so i guess to some people masturbating is 'being bad'.

I dont see how masturbation is a bad thing, the only time i would see it as 'being bad' would be if people were masturbating in a public place, not only would that be disturbing for the people that would see it but for also those that the culprit might be watching as hes masturbating.

Apart from getting some pleasure out of masturbation its also meant too cut cancer risk according to the BBC -

Wednesday 9 April 2008

Response to comment

Blogger chris said...

Sounds interesting m8! Any prison in mind?


Hmmm no not really! Im sure whichever prison would be full of people that have done plenty of things throughout there lifes that are 'bad'.

Wednesday 2 April 2008

What Is Betrayal?

Since i've posted my thoughts on infidelity i thought id add the essay i did for Being Bad titled 'What Is Betrayal'

So, what is betrayal? Betrayal can’t be defined as being one specific thing due to everyone having there own opinion as to what it is. Some see it as being unfaithful, being disloyal, infidelity, revealing secrets and turning your back on friends and family. None of these examples are specifically right or wrong although the common thing people relate betrayal with is infidelity. Although not everyone connects infidelity to betrayal, if infidelity has been committed some people may see it as betrayal while others see it in a different light. These different opinions on betrayal may have been formed due to different backgrounds, those with the opinion that committing an unfaithful act such as adultery isn’t a bad thing most likely came from a working class background where affairs were more common within the family due to both parents having to work all day therefore becoming stressed and having an affair to relive this stress, because of these things happening during childhood you would grow up with the opinion that committing an act like this isn’t betrayal. Where are those growing up within a middle class family may see infidelity as betrayal due to there childhoods. With there parents being middle class and being proud of whom they are having an affair would be seen as betrayal as well as it damaging there family name and ‘reputation’.

Betrayal is something that has happened to the majority if not all of the population, statistics show that out of 1500 adults within the age of 20-40 1420 of them felt that they had been betrayed sometime within there life’s. This shows that even before people reach an elderly age they have already been ‘betrayed’, although with everyone defining betrayal as being something different it may be that some of these people may feel betrayal is something as light as someone talking about you behind your back. The word betrayal hasn’t always been used as much as it probably has been within the last 20 years, in the early 19th century it was uncommon for marriages/relationships to experience infidelity therefore meaning that less people felt they had been betrayed.

Betrayal is something that is seen as something that smashes your world apart. A range of feelings once you have been betrayed can make you feel confused, miserable, depressed, suicidal, stunned and numb which could lead you to doing something drastic such as leaving your partner or even ending your own life if you feel that strongly about betrayal. Some feel that after betrayal has been committed they can’t go back to how things were before with there partner, which in a lot of cases means the end of a marriage or relationship. Although for those that do not feel strongly enough about betrayal they can work around the issues that caused there partner to betray in the first place and in time will forgive them. Although it may seem easy to just be able to forgive a partner for what they have done sometimes people want to understand why it happened in the first place and what they can do to make there relationship work.

To conclude it is difficult to give a clear definition as to what betrayal is. With everyone having there own opinion everyone has a different view as to what betrayal is, although what is clear is that when someone feels they have been betrayed they are certainly aware of it due to a mix of emotions such as anger, distraught and being generally upset surrounding them.

Tuesday 1 April 2008


Drugs...are they 'cool', hmmm i think not! Societies views on drugs have changed over a period of time and why not eh? Its up to you if you want to dabble in drugs or not, but that isnt the problem...the problem is that most people are unaware of the side effects drugs can have.

There are plenty of websites out there that explain to young people that drugs are bad, you shouldnt do drugs, drugs screw up your life etc etc so theres not much point in me going over what you have probably heard time and time again. An example of a website like this is Instead im going to take a different approach and look at a celebrity who is currently in the limelight right now whom has a drug problem, you probably know who i mean but incase you've been living under a rock (or your off your face on drugs) its the 'Rehab' singer Amy Winehouse. She might have had a good career so far in her life, but how long will this life last for if she continues to go at the rate she is going with the drug taking.

I think one of the worst reasons for her to be taking drugs is because so m
any people see her as there idol. Not because of the drug taking but because she is an inspiration to both old and young people that you do not have to come from a privileged background to have a good career and to be talented and that if you want something so bad eventually it will come to you if you continue to work hard at it.

With her being in the media lately for her radical behaviour it makes you wonder what her record company are doing to protect her and her fans. With Amy Winehouse being such a major celebrity and with her having alot of fans i feel that the wrong message is being shown to her fans and the media is to blame for that. They are showing that if you take drugs you can be just as rich and famous as Amy Winehouse and appear on newspapers, magazines and television shows. Perhaps what the media should be doing is to ignore the fact that by writing an article on Amy Winehouse they get more people to buy there products and they should ignore Amy Winehouse until she is off the drugs and acting her normal self again.

With her 'Rock n Roll' image and money she has gained from her career its not surprising that young people are still taking drugs...afterall there idol is doing it and 'everyone' else seems to be doing it!

Friday 22 February 2008

Module Field Trip

A prison would be a suitable field trip for the module Being Bad.
Not only is a prison considered a 'bad place' but it is full of what the majority would consider as 'bad people'. Visiting a prison would allow students within the module an oppurtunity to study and look up close at a place in which you cant get away from there being something 'bad' surrounding you. A prison isnt only a bad place because of the people it houses such as rapists, thiefs and murders but also due to the mischievous
acts that most likely occur within the facility such as drug dealing, fighting and bullying. All of which are considered within society today to be 'bad'.